The Next Important Step for Your Company’s Security
March 5, 2021
The sophistication and intensity of cybercrime has skyrocketed over the last 10 years. It’s interesting to note that today most bad actors skip trying to get through firewalls and antivirus software, and instead go straight after your employees. They ‘social engineer’ (manipulate) your employees to click on a malicious link or open an infected attachment, and even trick them into entering their credentials.
From that point forward they are able to hack into your network and do things like inject ransomware, put keyloggers on accounting systems, etc. You can guess the rest, a few days later crucial data needed for a company to function is locked up and inaccessible until a ransom is paid, or bank accounts are emptied, or valuable corporate intellectual property is stolen. Victim companies are then left to pick up the pieces as if their headquarters had been struck by a tornado. Actually, getting hit by a tornado might be less painful.
Cybersecurity technology can go only so far. Developing a culture of security-mindedness in every employee is crucial to survival in today’s cyber-vulnerable business world.
More than ever, your users are the weak link in your network security. They need to be trained and then stay on their toes, keeping security top of mind every day they are at work. Strong security awareness training is essential in protecting your organization from security threats and the damage they can cause.
The goal of your security awareness training should be to develop a fundamental change in your users – a change in the way they think about security – which translates into the creation of a robust security culture.
Our recommendation, and one we’ve followed ourselves, is to implement a video-based online training program for all employees. The tool we use and recommend provides baseline testing to assess the phish-prone percentage of your users; an automated security awareness training program that is easy to adopt; and even simulated phishing attacks. It also provides easy, top-notch reporting, with personal timelines for all users, and helps companies in affected industries stay compliant with regulations like PCI, HIPAA, SOX, FFIEC and GLBA.
We strongly encourage you to reach out for more information, and to request a quote from your account manager.