June 6, 2021
For many years Intellicom has offered an enhanced email filtering solution, and a large percentage of our customers have chosen to utilize it. It’s called Securence, and is a leading anti-spam provider. A recent Cisco security report noted that of the 200 billion email messages sent and received every day, 90% of worldwide email is spam. Spam, which can include viruses and other threats, continues to be a serious problem for organizations and a drain on IT resources.
Beyond the risks of spam that contains malware, things like inbox overload and tracking down filtered “false positive” emails affect user productivity and point to the need for an effective email filter.
Intellicom is happy with our decision to choose Securence for our customers. As with everything that we offer, we first conduct an in-depth study into the available options. Our due diligence includes factors such as overall effectiveness, ease of use, and cost. We continue to be happy with the protection Securence offers to our company and our customers, and encourage any customer not currently using this tool to reach out for a quote!